首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Influence of Antimicrobial Feed Additives on Broiler Commensal Posthatch Gut Microbiota Development and Performance

Influence of Antimicrobial Feed Additives on Broiler Commensal Posthatch Gut Microbiota Development and Performance




The effects of avilamycin, zinc bacitracin, and flavophospholipol on broiler gut microbial community colonization and bird performance in the first 17 days posthatch were investigated. Significant differences in gut microbiota associated with gut section, dietary treatment, and age were identified by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), although no performance-related differences between dietary treatments were detected. Similar age-related shifts in the gut microbiota were identified regardless of diet but varied between the ilea and ceca. Interbird variabilities in ileal bacterial communities were reduced (3 to 7 days posthatch) in chicks fed with feed containing antimicrobial agents. Avilamycin and flavophospholipol had the most consistent effect on gut microbial communities. Operational taxonomic units (OTU) linked to changes in gut microbiota in birds on antimicrobial-supplemented diets were characterized and identified. Some OTUs could be identified to the species level; however, the majority could be only tentatively classified to the genus, family, order, or domain level. OTUs 140 to 146 (Lachnospiraceae), OTU 186/188 (Lactobacillus johnsonii), OTU 220 (Lachnospiraceae), OTUs 284 to 288 (unclassified bacterial spp. or Ruminococcaceae), OTU 296/298 (unclassified bacterium or Clostridiales), and OTU 480/482 (Oxalobacteraceae) were less prevalent in the guts of chicks fed antimicrobial-supplemented diets. OTU 178/180 (Lactobacillus crispatus), OTU 152 (Lactobacillus reuteri or unclassified Clostridiales), OTU 198/200 (Subdoligranulum spp.), and OTU 490/492 (unclassified bacterium or Enterobacteriaceae) were less prevalent in the gut of chicks raised on the antimicrobial-free diet. The identification of key bacterial species influenced by antimicrobial-supplemented feed immediately posthatch may assist in the formulation of diets that facilitate beneficial gut microbial colonization and, hence, the development of alternatives to current antimicrobial agents in feed for sustainable poultry production.
机译:在孵化后的头17天,研究了阿维霉素,杆菌肽锌和黄磷磷脂对肉鸡肠道微生物群落定居和家禽生产性能的影响。尽管未发现饮食疗法之间的性能相关差异,但通过末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)鉴定了与肠道切片,饮食疗法和年龄相关的肠道菌群的显着差异。不论饮食如何,肠道菌群的年龄相关变化都相似,但回肠和盲肠之间差异很大。饲喂含抗菌剂饲料的雏鸡,回肠细菌群落的鸟间变异性降低(孵化后3至7天)。阿维霉素和黄磷磷脂对肠道微生物群落的影响最一致。表征和鉴定了与补充抗菌饮食的禽类肠道菌群变化有关的操作分类单位(OTU)。可以在物种一级确定一些OTU;但是,大多数只能暂时归类为属,科,序或域级别。 OTU 140至146(Lachnospiraceae),OTU 186/188(约翰逊乳杆菌),OTU 220(Lachnospiraceae),OTU 284至288(未分类的细菌属或Ruminococcaceae),OTU 296/298(未分类的细菌或梭状芽胞杆菌)和OTU 480 / 482(草杆菌科)在饲喂补充抗菌饮食的雏鸡的肠道中不那么普遍。 OTU 178/180(曲霉杆菌),OTU 152(路氏乳杆菌或未分类的梭状芽孢杆菌),OTU 198/200(Subdoligranulum spp。)和OTU 490/492(未分类的细菌或肠杆菌科)在饲养的雏鸡的肠道中不那么普遍无抗菌饮食。孵化后立即鉴定受抗菌素补充饲料影响的关键细菌物种,可能有助于制定有利于肠道有益微生物定居的日粮配方,因此,为可持续的家禽生产在饲料中开发了当前抗菌剂替代品。



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