首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications >Automatic Traffic Light Control System By Using Digital Image Processing

Automatic Traffic Light Control System By Using Digital Image Processing




A steady increase in population and big increase the number of vehicles on road, leads to traffic jam often during peak hours. The traffic analysis and controlling becomes a challenging problem as well as it needed to control the traffic in decent and safe manner. The trraffic signals are operated on the fixed predefined program,these are based on the time. If there is no vehicle on the road, the time will lapsed for the other vehicles which are waiting on the other side. To solve this issue, this paper present an approach for analysis and detecting vehicels by CCTV cameras in form of images. The methodology consists of four steps : images acquisition by CCTV cameras, RGB to gray conversion, Image enhancement and image matching using edge detection. Three Mark pole were in installed and time alloted to each pople for green signal. When traffic touch first mark pole the green light on after 90 second, if traffic touch second mark pole the light on after 60 Second and in last if light touch third mark pole the light on after 30 Second. This system control traffic automatically..



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