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Ceftazidime-Resistant Salmonella enterica, Morocco




To the Editor: Nontyphoidal salmonellosis (NTS) is a major food-borne illness worldwide. Extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs) are currently preferred drugs for treatment of children with NTS. However, resis-tance to ESCs has emerged worldwide and has become a serious public health problem. This resistance is caused by production of various class A extend-ed-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and class C cephalosporinases in Sal-monella enterica (1).National surveillance systems, ideally based on integration of data for animals, food, and humans, are needed to develop strategies for con-taining antimicrobial drug resistance. Such systems are primarily based on a network of public or private clinical laboratories that refer Salmonella iso-lates to public health laboratories for identification. However, this laborato -ry-based surveillance system in devel-oping countries is hampered by cost constraints and poor access to qual-ity health facilities, resulting in a low rate of isolation of bacterial pathogens from patients having mild infections. These constraints account for the lack of data and underestimation of the number of NTS cases in many coun -tries, including Morocco



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