首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Efficiency of Points of Dispensing for Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Vaccination, Los Angeles County, California, USA, 2009

Efficiency of Points of Dispensing for Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Vaccination, Los Angeles County, California, USA, 2009




During October 23–December 8, 2009, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health used points of dispensing (PODs) to improve access to and increase the number of vaccinations against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. We assessed the efficiency of these units and access to vaccines among ethnic groups. An average of 251 persons per hour (SE 65) were vaccinated at the PODs; a 10% increase in use of live-attenuated monovalent vaccines reduced that rate by 23 persons per hour (SE 7). Vaccination rates were highest for Asians (257/10,000 persons), followed by Hispanics (114/10,000), whites (75/100,000), and African Americans (37/10,000). Average distance traveled to a POD was highest for whites (6.6 miles; SD 6.5) and lowest for Hispanics (4.7 miles; SD ±5.3). Placing PODs in areas of high population density could be an effective strategy to reach large numbers of persons for mass vaccination, but additional PODs may be needed to improve coverage for specific populations.
机译:在2009年10月23日至12月8日期间,洛杉矶县公共卫生局使用配药要点(PODs)来改善对A(H1N1)pdm09流感疫苗的获取和接种数量。我们评估了这些单位的效率以及各族裔之间获得疫苗的机会。在POD处平均每小时有251人接种(SE 65);减毒活一价疫苗使用率增加10%可使该速度降低每小时23人(SE 7)。亚洲人(257 / 10,000人)的疫苗接种率最高,其次是西班牙裔(114 / 10,000),白人(75 / 100,000)和非洲裔美国人(37 / 10,000)。白人到达POD的平均距离最高(6.6英里; SD 6.5),而西班牙裔最低(4.7英里; SD±5.3)。将POD放置在人口密度高的地区可能是一种有效的策略,可以使大量人接受大规模疫苗接种,但是可能需要额外的POD来提高特定人群的覆盖率。



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