首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Aluminum Intoxication in a Child: Treatment With lntraperitoneal Desferrioxamine

Aluminum Intoxication in a Child: Treatment With lntraperitoneal Desferrioxamine




We report the successful chelation of aluminum and the clinical resolution of severe aluminum intoxication in an infant receiving chronic peritoneal dialysis through the use of intraperitoneal desferrioxamme. Following the introduction of desferrioxamine, urine and dialysate fluid aluminum levels exceeded those noted without the chelating agent, thus demonstrating enhanced removal of aluminum. As a result of therapy, plasma and bone aluminum levels decreased markedly, and previously noted histomorphometric abnormalities on bone biopsy resolved. Clinically, the aluminum-associated osteomalacia and microcytic hypochromic anemia completely reversed. Moderate developmental delay has also improved slightly but persists. Our experience suggests that intraperitoneal chelation therapy with desferrioxamine may be helpful to reverse aluminum intoxication in children with chronic renal failure. However, limited exposure to aluminum should remain a primary goal.




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