




Do you have any idea how many hours a week the average college teacher actually spends in class with students?A total of 9.8 hours, according to various surveys. That's right—an amount of time slightly greater than the workday of most Americans. And the average is inflated by the schedules of community college teachers who spend 15 to 16 hours a week in the classroom. What makes these astonishing figures especially noteworthy right now is the handwringing in one state after another over constraints on the budgets for higher education and the difficulty of holding the line on tuitions ...So how does a professor use the remainder of his workweek? ...Half the full-time faculty say they spend no more than four hours a week on research and scholarly writing. As a corollary, 45% of the nation's entire professoriate had no professional writings accepted or published during a given two-year period ...Few grow rich, but most earn between $40,000 and $70,000 for their nine-month year. Average faculty salaries range from $32,420 for assistant professors at baccalaureate colleges to $66,780 for full professors at doctoral-level universities ...It is time to revisit the issue of research and publication. Even at private four-year colleges only 6% of the faculty members had at least five professional writings accepted or published during a given two-year period. About half the faculty at four-year institutions and more than 90% at two-year community colleges said in a survey by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching that their interests lie primarily in teaching, not research, that teaching should be the main criterion for promotion.
机译:根据各种调查,您是否知道大学老师平均每周与学生一起上课的时间是9.8个小时?没错-比大多数美国人的工作时间还多的时间。社区大学教师每周在教室里花费15到16个小时的日程安排会增加平均值。这些令人惊讶的数字现在特别值得注意的原因是,由于高等教育预算的限制和难以维持学费的限制,一个接一个的州接一个州的劳苦工作……那么,教授如何利用剩余的工作时间呢? ...一半的专职教师表示,他们每周在研究和学术写作上花费的时间不超过四个小时。必然的结果是,在给定的两年时间内,全美45%的教授没有接受或发表过专业著作...很少有钱人会致富,但大多数人在九个月的时间里收入在40,000至70,000美元之间。大学教师的平均薪资范围从学士学位学院的助理教授32,420美元到博士级大学的正教授66,780美元...现在是时候重新讨论研究和发表的问题了。即使在私立四年制大学中,也只有6%的教职员工在给定的两年时间内至少接受或发表了五篇专业著作。卡内基教学促进基金会的一项调查显示,四年制学院的一半教师和两年制社区大学的90%以上的教师表示,他们的兴趣主要在于教学而非研究,而教学应是主要的晋升标准。




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