首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >MOST Space-based Photometry of the Transiting Exoplanet System HD 209458: Transit Timing to Search for Additional Planets

MOST Space-based Photometry of the Transiting Exoplanet System HD 209458: Transit Timing to Search for Additional Planets

机译:MOST的太空系外行星系统HD 209458的空基测光:寻找其他行星的转运时间



We report on the measurement of transit times for the HD 209458 planetary system from photometry obtained with the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars) space telescope. Deviations from a constant orbital period can indicate the presence of additional planets in the system that are yet undetected, potentially with masses approaching an Earth mass. The MOST data sets of HD 209458 from 2004 and 2005 represent unprecedented time coverage with nearly continuous observations spanning 14 and 43 days and monitoring three transits and 12 consecutive transits, respectively. The transit times that we obtain show no variations on three scales: (1) no long-term change in P since before 2004 at 25 ms level, (2) no trend in transit timings during the 2005 run, and (3) no individual transit timing deviations above 80 s level. Together with previously published transit times from Agol & Steffen, this allows us to place limits on the presence of additional close-in planets in the system, in some cases down to below an Earth mass. This result, along with previous radial velocity work, now eliminates the possibility that a perturbing planet could be responsible for the additional heat source needed to explain HD 209458b's anomalous low density.
机译:我们报告了通过MOST(微变率和恒星振荡)太空望远镜获得的光度法对HD 209458行星系统的传输时间的测量结果。偏离恒定轨道周期可能表明系统中存在尚未被发现的其他行星,这可能与质量接近地球质量有关。 2004年和2005年的HD 209458的MOST数据集代表了空前的时间覆盖,几乎连续观测了14天和43天,分别监测了3次过境和12次连续过境。我们获得的传输时间在三个尺度上没有变化:(1)自2004年以来,P在25毫秒水平上没有长期变化;(2)2005年运行期间的传输时间没有趋势;(3)没有个体超过80 s水平的运输时间偏差。加上先前发布的Agol&Steffen的运输时间,这使我们可以限制系统中是否存在其他近距离行星,在某些情况下甚至可以降低到地球质量以下。该结果以及以前的径向速度工作,现在消除了扰动行星可能是解释HD 209458b异常低密度所需的额外热源的可能性。




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