首页> 外文期刊>The biochemical journal >Point mutations at multiple sites including highly conserved amino acids maintain activity, but render O6-alkylguanine–DNA alkyltransferase insensitive to O6-benzylguanine

Point mutations at multiple sites including highly conserved amino acids maintain activity, but render O6-alkylguanine–DNA alkyltransferase insensitive to O6-benzylguanine




pThe DNA repair protein, iO/isup6/sup-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT), is inactivated by reaction with the pseudosubstrate, iO/isup6/sup-benzylguanine (BG). This inactivation sensitizes tumour cells to chemotherapeutic alkylating agents, and BG is aimed at enhancing cancer treatment in clinical trials. Point mutations in a 24 amino acid sequence likely to form the BG-binding pocket were identified using a screening method designed to identify BG-resistant mutants. It was found that alterations in 21 of these residues were able to render AGT resistant to BG. These included mutations at the highly conserved residues Lyssup165/sup, Leusup168/sup and Leusup169/sup. The two positions at which changes led to the largest increase in resistance to BG were Glysup156/sup and Lyssup165/sup. Eleven mutants at Glysup156/sup were identified, with increases in resistance ranging from 190-fold (G156V) to 4400-fold (G156P). Two mutants at Lyssup165/sup found in the screen (K165S and K165A) showed 620-fold and 100-fold increases in resistance to BG. Two mutants at the Sersup159/sup position (S159I and S159V) were & 80-fold more resistant than wild-type AGT. Eleven active mutants at Leusup169/sup were also resistant to BG, but with lower increases (5-86-fold). Fourteen BG-resistant mutants were found for position Cyssup150/sup, with 3-26-fold increases in the amount of inhibitor needed to produce a 50% loss of activity in a 30 min incubation. Six BG-resistant mutants at Asnsup157/sup were found with increases of 4-13-fold. These results show that many changes can render human AGT resistant to BG without preventing the ability to protect tumour cells from therapeutic alkylating agents./p
机译:> DNA修复蛋白 O 6 -烷基鸟嘌呤-DNA烷基转移酶(AGT)通过与伪底物 O < sup> 6 -苄基鸟嘌呤(BG)。这种失活使肿瘤细胞对化疗烷基化剂敏感,而BG旨在在临床试验中增强癌症治疗。使用设计用于鉴定抗BG突变体的筛选方法,鉴定可能形成BG结合袋的24个氨基酸序列中的点突变。发现21个这些残基的改变能够使AGT抗BG。这些包括在高度保守的残基Lys 165 ,Leu 168 和Leu 169 的突变。变化导致对BG的抵抗力最大增加的两个位置是Gly 156 和Lys 165 。鉴定出11个在Gly 156 的突变体,其抗性从190倍(G156V)增加到4400倍(G156P)。筛选中发现的两个位于Lys 165 的突变体(K165S和K165A)显示出对BG的抗性分别提高了620倍和100倍。在Ser 159 位置的两个突变体(S159I和S159V)≥2。抗性比野生型AGT高80倍。 Leu 169 上的11个活性突变体也对BG具有抗性,但增加幅度较小(5-86倍)。发现在Cys 150 位置有14个BG抗性突变体,在30分钟的孵育中产生50%的活性损失所需的抑制剂数量增加了3-26倍。发现6个Bn抗性突变体Asn 157 增加了4-13倍。这些结果表明,许多变化可以使人AGT对BG产生抗药性,而不会阻止保护肿瘤细胞免受治疗性烷化剂的影响。




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