首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Ophthalmology >Practical use of rubric for assessment of eye bank professionals for eye retrieval and its role in improving eye retrieval process in eye banks: An Indo-American experience

Practical use of rubric for assessment of eye bank professionals for eye retrieval and its role in improving eye retrieval process in eye banks: An Indo-American experience

机译:专栏的实际应用,评估眼银行专业人员对眼部检索的作用及其在改善眼部眼部检索过程中的作用:一种印象 - 美国人体验



Purpose: To study the practical use of the Rubric for Assessment of Eye Bank Professionals for Eye Retrieval (RAEPER) as a competency assessment tool by organizing a workshop in two eye banks – one in India and other in America. Methods: Two-day workshop was conducted in two eye banks – named Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital (SCEH) in India and Miracles in Sight (MIS) in America. Day 1 of workshop comprised of didactic lectures and discussions and day 2 was eye retrieval assessment done on human eyes in a wet lab setting. Assessment was done using RAEPER by two independent senior eye bank managers. Results: MIS had 27 participants, 15 males and 12 females (mean age: 38.8 years, range: 28-55) and SCEH had 11 participants, 10 males and 1 female (mean age: 48 years, range: 22–68). All participants were in house technicians, who had a minimal experience of at least 150 eye retrievals. At MIS, step 19 (crystalline lens check) got a score of 3 (Competent) 93.5% of the time. At SCEH, step 6 (conjunctival removal) and step 4 (Irrigation of cornea with sterile saline) were high scoring with 90.11% and 72.7% scoring 3, respectively. Conclusion: India's cornea blind population is expected to reach 10 million by 2020. Steps need to be taken to improve cornea retrieval rates in the country and make various eye banks self-sufficient. Incorporating such training modules not only improves the cornea utilization rates, but also helps standardize the entire eye banking process.
机译:目的:研究专栏的实际应用,以评估眼银行专业人员的眼部检索(RAEPER)作为一个能力评估工具,通过组织两个眼部银行 - 一个在印度和美国其他人的研讨会。方法:为期两天的研讨会,在印度的两家眼部银行 - 名为Shroff的慈善眼医院(Sceh),在美国的视线(MIS)。由教学讲座和讨论和第2天组成的研讨会第1天是在湿实验室环境中对人眼进行的眼睛检索评估。评估是使用Raper由两个独立的高级眼银行管理员进行的。结果:MIS有27名参与者,15名男性和12名女性(平均年龄:38.8岁,范围:28-55)和Sceh有11名参与者,10名男性和1名女性(平均年龄:48岁,范围:22-68)。所有参与者都在房子技术人员中,他们至少有150个眼睛检索的体验。在MIS,第19步(结晶镜片检查)得分为3(能力)93.5%的时间。在SceH,步骤6(结膜去除)和步骤4(Cornea与无菌盐水的灌溉)分别具有90.11%和72.7%的评分3。结论:预计印度的角膜盲人将达到2020年的达到1000万辆。需要采取措施改善该国的角膜检索率,使各种眼部自给自足。结合这种训练模块不仅可以提高角膜利用率,而且还有助于标准化整个眼部银行过程。



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