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Trabajos de altura. Cuando un arnés sostiene la vida




The current workplace accident rate reveals that the prevalence rate with leave in the building industry has significantly decreased in the last years. However, this indicator is still higher than the rest of production sectors in terms of gravity and total number. Some of the risks among the construction workers are falls from a height, repetitive movements, handling of heavy loads, incorrect body postures, chemical agents, solar radiations, etc. Clinical Case: 36 year old man, builder for 10 years. He checks into the emergency room after an approximately 7-meter fall from the second floor, while presumably installing a window. He was taken to urgencies, where he was diagnosed fractures to the right femur and the right pelvic bone, a urethral injury, a right hemothorax and damaged internal organs with abundant hematic intra-abdominal content. Due to his critical condition, he was taken into surgery where he passed away. Monitoring the standards of the occupational risk prevention policy is essential in any building site, even if it seems an easy task or the worker is very experienced. It also highlights the importance of a correct medical care of polytraumatized patients, taking into consideration that working at heights could be performed in companies or establishments where the occupational physician should be the most qualified for the immediate care. A good handling of these situations from the practical, technical and logistical point of view is fundamental; thus the constant training in the above mentioned circumstances would be recommended.



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