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Employer-Reported Access to Paid Parental Leave: A study of San Francisco’s Paid Parental Leave Ordinance




BackgroundA growing body of research finds that paid leave policies have significant population health benefits for workers and their families, but the lack of a national paid leave policy in the United States leaves most workers without access to any paid leave. In 2017 San Francisco implemented the nation's first fully paid leave policy, mandating that covered employers provide up to six weeks of leave to care for a new child. The objective of our study is to examine how the San Francisco Paid Parental Leave Ordinance (PPLO) affected paid leave access, including among workers in low-wage industries. Methods: We surveyed Bay Area employers in 2018, the year after PPLO took effect. We estimated difference-in-differences models of changes in access to paid leave before versus after implementation of the PPLO in San Francisco compared to surrounding counties. Results: Availability of paid leave in San Francisco firms increased from 45% in 2016 to 79% following implementation of the PPLO. This is significantly more (p?
机译:Backgrounts Caviclea Coments的研究发现,支付的休假政策对工人及其家人有重大的人口健康福利,但缺乏美国在美国的全国支付休假政策留下了大多数工人,而不会获得任何支付休假。 2017年,旧金山实施了全国首次全额支付的休假政策,授权有关雇主提供最多六周的休假,以照顾新的孩子。我们研究的目的是审查如何达务育育儿假法令(PPLO)受影响的支付休假,包括低工资产业的工人。方法:我们在2018年调查了湾区雇主,PPLO生效后一年。我们估计差异差异,在旧金山的PPLO实施前与周围县的PPLO后,获得了支付休假的变化模型。结果:旧金山公司的有偿休假的可用性从2016年的45%增加到PPLO后的79%。这比周围县的32%增加到47%,这更大(P?<0.05)。低工资公司的合规性是最低(67%)。我们发现了对雇主的自我报告负面影响的最小证据。总体而言,82%的公司支持PPLO。结论:旧金山的经验表明,使用当地政策增加父母的可行性。



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