首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology >The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic The Real Danger is ???Agenda ID-2020??? and The COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Environmental Health

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic The Real Danger is ???Agenda ID-2020??? and The COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Environmental Health

机译:Coronavirus covid-19大流行真正的危险是???议​​程ID-2020 ???以及来自全球环境健康的Covid-19大流行



Overarching all is this super hype is profit driven, the quest for instant profit, instant benefits from the suffering of the people. This panic making is a hundred-fold of what it’s worth. What these kingpins of the underworld, who pretend to run the upper world, perhaps miscalculated, is that in today’s globalized and vastly outsourced world the west depends massively on China’s supply chain, for consumer goods, and for intermediary merchandise – and, foremost for medication and medical equipment. At least 80% of medication or ingredients for medication, as well as for medical equipment come from China. The western China dependence for antibiotics is even higher, some 90%. The potential impacts on health are devastating. During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic China’s production apparatus for everything was almost shut-down. For deliveries that were still made, merchandise vessels were regularly and categorically turned back from many harbors all around the world. So, the west has tricked itself into a shortage-of-everything mode by waging a de facto “economic war” on China.
机译:总体所有的是这个超级炒作是利润驱动,寻求即时利润,即时受益于人民的痛苦。这种恐慌的制作是百倍的价值。假装运行上层世界的黑社会的这些主页是在今天的全球化和广大外包世界中,西方依赖中国的供应链,为消费品和中间商品 - 以及最重要的药物和医疗设备。至少80%的药物或药物成分,以及医疗设备来自中国。中国西部对抗生素的依赖甚至更高,约90%。对健康的潜在影响是毁灭性的。在Covid-19流行病的高度期间,一切都几乎关闭了。对于仍然制造的交货,商品船只定期并从世界各地的许多港口分类上。因此,通过对中国的“经济战争”进行事实上,西方已经陷入了短缺的一切模式。



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