首页> 外文期刊>EFSA Journal >Safety and efficacy of the feed additive consisting of Clostridium butyricum FERM BP‐2789 (Miya‐Gold? S) for chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying, turkeys for fattening, turkeys reared for breeding, minor avian species (excluding laying birds), piglets (suckling and weaned) and minor porcine species (Miyarisan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)

Safety and efficacy of the feed additive consisting of Clostridium butyricum FERM BP‐2789 (Miya‐Gold? S) for chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying, turkeys for fattening, turkeys reared for breeding, minor avian species (excluding laying birds), piglets (suckling and weaned) and minor porcine species (Miyarisan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)

机译:饲料添加剂的安全性和有效性由鸡虱组成的鸡肉菌,鸡的鸡菌,鸡的鸡,鸡饲养,火鸡饲养,火鸡饲养繁殖,轻微的禽类(不包括铺设鸟类),仔猪(哺乳和断奶)和轻微的猪种(Miyarisan Pharmaceuticalicalicalical Co.Ltd.)



The feed additive under assessment (trade name: Miya‐Gold? S) is based on viable spores of Clostridium butyricum FERM BP‐2789. It is authorised for use in minor avian species (excluding laying birds), weaned piglets and minor weaned porcine species, chickens reared for laying, turkeys for fattening and turkeys reared for breeding. This opinion concerns the request for renewal of the authorisation of Miya‐Gold? S for the species/categories for which an authorisation exists, the use in chickens for fattening, for which the previous authorisation had expired, and the extension of use to suckling piglets and suckling minor porcine species. The applicant provided evidence that the additive currently in the market complies with the conditions of authorisation. There is no new evidence that would lead the Panel to reconsider previous conclusions that Miya‐Gold? S remains safe for the animal species/categories, the consumer and the environment under the current and previously authorised conditions of use. This conclusion applies also to the new target species for which a request of use is made. Regarding the safety for the user, the Panel concluded that the additive is not irritant to skin and eyes and that sensitisation via respiratory route cannot be excluded. There is no need for assessing the efficacy of Miya‐Gold? S in the context of the renewal of the authorisation in chickens reared for laying, turkeys for fattening and reared for breeding, minor avian species (excluding laying birds), weaned piglets and weaned minor porcine species. The additive has the potential to be efficacious in chickens for fattening, suckling piglets and suckling minor porcine species at the level of 2.5 × 108 CFU/kg complete feedingstuff. Miya‐Gold? S is compatible with decoquinate, diclazuril, lasalocid, maduramicin ammonium, narasin, narasin/nicarbazin, monensin sodium, robenidine, salinomycin sodium and semduramicin.
机译:评估中的饲料添加剂(商品名:Miya-Gold?S)是基于蛋白酶菌FermBP-2789的可行孢子。它被授权用于小禽类(不包括铺设鸟类),断奶仔猪和轻微断奶猪种类,鸡饲养铺设,火鸡饲养的火鸡和火鸡饲养。此意见涉及续签MIYA-GOLD授权的请求? S对于授权的物种/类别,在鸡鸡中使用的物种/类别,以前的授权已经过期,以及延长用于哺乳仔猪和哺乳的轻猪种类。申请人提供了证据表明,目前市场上的添加剂符合授权条件。没有新的证据表明,将引导小组重新考虑Miya-Gold的先前结论?在当前和以前授权的使用条件下,仍然对动物物种/类别,消费者和环境保持安全。这一结论也适用于使用使用请求的新目标物种。关于用户的安全性,小组得出结论,添加剂对皮肤和眼睛不刺激性,并且不能排除通过呼吸道途径的敏化。不需要评估Miya-Gold的功效?在鸡的授权饲养的背景下,饲养铺设,火鸡育肥和饲养育种,轻微的禽类(不包括铺设鸟类),断奶仔猪和断奶的轻微猪种类。添加剂有可能在鸡中有效,以便在2.5×108 CFU / kg完全饲料的水平下进行育肥,哺乳仔猪和乳花幼猪种类。 Miya-gold? S与碎片,Diclazuril,Lasalocid,Maduramicin铵,Narasin,Narasin / Nicarbazin,Monensin Sodium,Salinomycin Sodium和Semduramicin兼容。


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