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The Discourses of Holy War and the Memory of the First Battles of Islam. Al-Andalus, 10th - 13th centuries. Tese de doutoramento em História

机译:神圣战争的话语和伊斯兰教第一次战斗的记忆。 Al-Andalus,10-13世纪。 Tese de doutoramento emhostória



Beyond the imposing walls of Theodosius and at the foot of the hill where the famous Pierre Loti café sits –a place where you can enjoy one of the best panoramic views of the Golden Horn–, there is one of the most sacred corners of Istanbul: the mosque known as Eyüp Sultan. This building, pilgrimage destination and a sacred place chosen by thousands of adorned children who celebrate the rite of circumcision, was ordered by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II to house the tomb where it is believed that the remains of Abū Ayyūb alAn?ārī (d. 674) rest.
机译:超越了西多斯座的浮动墙壁和着名的Pierre Loti咖啡厅坐在山脚下,您可以享受金角的最佳全景之一 - 伊斯坦布尔最神圣的角落之一:清真寺称为Eyüp苏丹。这座建筑物,朝圣目的地和庆祝割礼礼仪仪式的装饰儿童选择了一个神圣的地方,被奥斯坦斯苏丹梅霍梅尔·伊霍梅尔II追究坟墓,据信Ayyūbalan的遗体?ārī(d。 674)休息。




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