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Defeasibility applied to Forrester’s paradox




Deontic logic is a logic often used to formalise scenarios in the legal domain. Within the legal domain there are many exceptions and conflicting obligations. This motivates the enrichment of deontic logic with not only the notion of defeasibility, which allows for reasoning about exceptions, but a stronger notion of typicality that is based on defeasibility. KLM-style defeasible reasoning is a logic system that employs defeasibility while Propositional Typicality Logic (PTL) is a logic that does the same for the notion of typicality. Deontic paradoxes are often used to examine logic systems as the paradoxes provide undesirable results even if the scenarios seem intuitive. Forrester’s paradox is one of the most famous of these paradoxes. This paper shows that KLM-style defeasible reasoning and PTL can be used to represent and reason with Forrester’s paradox in such a way as to block undesirable conclusions without completely sacrificing desirable deontic properties.
机译:文学逻辑是通常用于在法律领域中模拟方案的逻辑。在法律领域内有许多例外和相互矛盾的义务。这激励了神声逻辑的富集,而不仅具有缺陷的概念,这允许推理例外,但典型的概念是基于缺陷的典型。 KLM风格的易行推理是一个逻辑系统,在命题典型程度逻辑(PTL)是一个逻辑的逻辑系统,它对于典型程度的概念具有相同的逻辑。由于悖论提供了不良结果,通常用于检查逻辑系统,即使方案似乎直观也是如此。 Forrester的悖论是最着名的悖论之一。本文表明,KLM风格的可造成推理和PTL可用于代表与Forrester的悖论的原因,以阻止不希望的结论而不完全牺牲所需的性故障。




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