首页> 外文期刊>The astronomical journal >HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs*

HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs*

机译:帽子-47b,帽子-48ab,帽子-49b和帽子-72b:四个温暖的巨型行星过度k dwarfs *



We report the discovery of four transiting giant planets around K dwarfs.The planets HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b have masses of ${0.369}_{-0.021}^{+0.031}$ ${M}_{{m{J}}}$, ${0.243}_{-0.030}^{+0.022}$ ${M}_{{m{J}}}$, ${0.353}_{-0.027}^{+0.038}$ ${M}_{{m{J}}}$, and $0.1254pm 0.0039$ ${M}_{{m{J}}}$, respectively, and radii of $1.117pm 0.014$ ${R}_{{m{J}}}$, $0.800pm 0.015$ ${R}_{{m{J}}}$, $0.765pm 0.013$ ${R}_{{m{J}}}$, and $0.7224pm 0.0032$ ${R}_{{m{J}}}$, respectively.The planets orbit close to their host stars with orbital periods of $3.9228$ days, $3.1317$ days, $4.1480$ days, and $7.3279$ days, respectively.The hosts are main-sequence K dwarfs with masses of ${0.674}_{-0.012}^{+0.016}$ ${M}_{odot }$, $0.7279,pm 0.0066$ ${M}_{odot }$, $0.7133pm 0.0075$ ${M}_{odot }$, and $0.7311pm 0.0028$, and with V-band magnitudes of $V=14.829pm 0.010$, $14.35pm 0.11$, $14.998pm 0.040$ and $12.469pm 0.010$.The super-Neptune HATS-72b (a.k.a.WASP-191b and TOI 294.01) was independently identified as a transiting planet candidate by the HATSouth, WASP, and TESS surveys, and we present a combined analysis of all of the data gathered by each of these projects (and their follow-up programs).An exceptionally precise mass is measured for HATS-72b thanks to high-precision radial velocity (RV) measurements obtained with VLT/ESPRESSO, FEROS, HARPS, and Magellan/PFS.We also incorporate TESS observations of the warm Saturn–hosting systems HATS-47 (a.k.a.TOI 1073.01), HATS-48A, and HATS-49.HATS-47 was independently identified as a candidate by the TESS team, while the other two systems were not previously identified from the TESS data.The RV orbital variations are measured for these systems using Magellan/PFS.HATS-48A has a resolved $5uildrel{primeprime}over{.} 4$ neighbor in Gaia DR2, which is a common-proper-motion binary star companion to HATS-48A with a mass of 0.22 ${M}_{odot }$ and a current projected physical separation of ~1400 au.
机译:我们举报了围绕k矮人的四个过度巨型行星的发现。行星帽47b,帽子-48ab,帽子-49b和帽子-72b具有$ {0.369} _ { - 0.021} ^ {+ 0.031} $ $ {M} _ {{ RM {Ĵ}}},$ {0.243} _ { - 0.030} ^ {+ 0.022} $ $ {M} _ {{ RM {Ĵ}}},$ {0.353} _ { - 0.027} ^ {+ 0.038} $ {m} _ {{ rm {j}}} $分别为0.1254 $ $ 0.0039 $ $ {m} _ {{ rm {j}} $和1.117 pm 0.014 $ $ {r}} $,$ 0.800 $ $ {r} _ {{ rm {j}}} $,$ 0.765 PM 0.013 0.013 $ {r} _ {{ rm {j}}} $,分别为0.7224 $ 0.7224 $ $ {r} _ {{ rm {j}} $。地行星轨道与他们的主人明星接近轨道周期为3.9228美元,每天3.1317美元,4.1480美元,和7.3279美元的日子分别为7.3279美元。主机是大量的$ {0.012} _ {+ 0.016} $ { m} _ { odot} $,$ 0.7279 , pm 0.0066 $ $ {m} _ { oadt} $,$ 0.7133 PM 0.0075 $ $ {m} _ { oadt} $,以及$ 0.7311 PM 0.0028 $ 0.7311 PM 0.0028 $随着V频段的V频段,$ v = 14.829 PM 0.010 $,$ 14.35 PM 0.11 $,$ 14.998 PM 0.040 $和12.469 PM 0.010 $ 12.469 0.010 $。超级海王星帽子-72b(akawasp-191b a d TOI 294.01)的独立鉴定由HATSouth,WASP和TESS调查一个过境行星候选者,而我们目前所有这些项目(和他们的后续方案,收集到的数据进行综合分析).An异常由于使用VLT / ESPRESSO,FEROS,HARPS和MAGELLAN / PFS获得的高精度径向速度(RV)测量来测量帽子-72B的精确质量。我们还包含苔丝观察温暖的托管系统帽-47( Akatoi 1073.01),帽子-48a和帽子-49.hats-47独立被确定为苔丝团队的候选者,而另外两个系统以前没有从苔丝数据中识别。RV轨道变化是针对这些使用麦哲伦/ PFS.HATS-48A系统有一个解决$ 5 buildrel {黄金黄金} {上}在盖亚DR2,这是一种常见的,适当的运动双星伴侣HATS-48A采用了4 $邻居质量为0.22 $ {m} _ { oad} $和当前投影的物理分离〜1400 au。


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