首页> 外文期刊>Data in Brief >Public attitudes towards immigration, news and social media exposure, and political attitudes from a cross-cultural perspective: Data from seven European countries, the United States, and Colombia

Public attitudes towards immigration, news and social media exposure, and political attitudes from a cross-cultural perspective: Data from seven European countries, the United States, and Colombia




The data presented in this article provide the opportunity to comparatively analyse anti-immigrant and anti-refugee attitudes, news and social media consumption, and political attitudes (e.g., social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism) of the adult population in seven European countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden), the United States, and Colombia in 2021 (N?=?13,645). These countries were selected for their variety in national characteristics: coastal and non-coastal border countries, large and small economies, countries with major and minor political influence, and countries with varying degrees of popularity as asylum-seeker destinations. We conducted an online survey which – amongst others – included questions on socio-demographic characteristics, attitudinal indicators, and information on news and social media consumption. These data can be of interest for migration researchers and/or media scholars who want to explore (comparative) dynamics of outgroup attitudes, threat perceptions, and/or news and social media consumption, and for policy makers who seek to influence public attitudes towards immigration and migrants.
机译:本文中提出的数据提供了相互分析的机会,以比较分析七个欧洲国家成人人口的反移民和反难民态度,新闻和社会媒体消费,新闻和社会媒体消费,以及政治态度(例如,社会统治,右翼威权主义) (奥地利,比利时,德国,匈牙利,意大利,西班牙,瑞典),美国和哥伦比亚在2021年(n?=?13,645)。这些国家被选为各种国家特色:沿海和非沿海边界国家,大中小企业,具有重大和次要政治影响的国家,以及庇护者目的地具有不同程度普及的国家。我们进行了一项在线调查 - 其中包括关于社会人口统计特征,态度指标和有关新闻和社会媒体消费信息的问题。这些数据对于想要探索(比较)的超组态态度,威胁感知和/或新闻和社交媒体消费的(比较)动态的迁移研究人员和/或媒体学者令人感兴趣,以及寻求影响公众对移民态度的政策制定者和移民。



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