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Hitting the Sweet Spot


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In the past year, shares of tate & lyle, one of the world's largest manufacturers of sweeteners, have nearly doubled in price. And sugar has had nothing to do with it. The company sold its stake in Domino Sugar four years ago, then came ' up with something much more profitable: sucralose, also known as Splenda. The sweetener is sold in yellow boxes and sachets with royal-blue script reminiscent of Domino's packaging. "Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar," the slogan claims, but like all other sugar substitutes, sucralose was born in a laboratory. The country's entire supply is produced in one well-guarded and famously secretive facility in Alabama, where truckloads of common table sugar are shipped in weekly, to be modified via a complex chemical process involving chlorine and phosgene gas. The result is so intensely sweet that Tate & Lyle has to cut it with 600 parts filler to approximate a natural sweetness.
机译:在过去的一年中,全球最大的甜味剂制造商之一泰特莱尔(Tate&lyle)的股价上涨了近一倍。糖与它无关。该公司四年前出售了其在多米诺糖公司(Domino Sugar)的股份,然后想出了更有利可图的东西:三氯蔗糖,又称Splenda。甜味剂以黄色的盒子和小袋装出售,带有宝蓝色的字样,让人联想到多米诺的包装。该口号宣称:“由糖制成,所以味道像糖。”但与所有其他糖替代品一样,三氯蔗糖是在实验室诞生的。该国的全部供应是在阿拉巴马州一个设施完备且秘密闻名的工厂生产的,该工厂每周都会运输卡车食用的普通食糖,并通过涉及氯气和光气的复杂化学工艺对其进行修改。结果非常甜,Tate&Lyle必须用600份填料将其切成约自然的甜味。



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