
Dusk to dawn


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When nearly 200 women at a bank-rupt wig factory were fired in 1979 and then beaten by police for refusing to leave, it was Kim Young-sam who sheltered them in the headquarters of his opposition New Democratic Party (ndp). When more police stormed his offices (and one of the women died), his calls for an end to South Korea's military dictatorship grew noisier. For Park Chung-hee, who rose to power in a coup in 1961, the noises became too loud. Park suspended Mr Kim's leadership of the ndp and expelled him from the National Assembly. "You can wring the rooster's neck," Mr Kim retorted, "but dawn will still come." All 66 of the party's mps resigned. Protests followed, the biggest of Park's rule. (Soon after, Park was assassinated by his security chief, during a row about the protests.)
机译:1979年,在一家破产假发工厂中将近200名妇女被解雇,然后因拒绝离开而被警察殴打,正是金英珊将她们庇护在他的反对派新民主党(ndp)的总部。当更多的警察冲进他的办公室(其中一名妇女死亡)时,他呼吁终止韩国军事独裁统治的呼声越来越高。对于在1961年发动政变的朴忠熙来说,喧闹声太大了。朴槿惠暂停了金正日对国家民主党的领导,并将其驱逐出国民议会。金正恩反驳说:“你可以拧紧公鸡的脖子,但黎明仍然会来。”该党所有66名议员都辞职了。抗议随之而来,这是帕克最大的法则。 (不久之后,在抗议活动中,Park被他的安全首长暗杀了。)


  • 来源
    《The economist》 |2015年第8966期|37-37|共1页
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