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Charlemagne: Defensive measures


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As a rule, the European Union doesn't do defence. At most, it messes around at the margin. In 1999, it promised to set up a 60,000-strong rapid-reaction force. When this turned out to be not much of a force, several countries promised 1,500-strong bat-tlegroups, ready to jet off on peacekeeping missions at a drop of a blue helmet. What eu countries have never done is to club together to spend money on defence. That could be about to change. In one of the least-trumpeted big ideas of recent years, the head of France's national armaments agency has called for a ?200m ($240m) programme in which eu countries would collaborate on basic research and technology in defence. The programme would be run by the European Defence Agency, an offshoot of the eu's bureaucracy. France's defence minister will formally put the plan to a gathering of European defence ministers next month.
机译:通常,欧盟不做防御。最多,它在边缘处混乱。 1999年,它承诺建立一支60,000人的快速反应部队。当事实证明这不是很大的力量时,几个国家答应了1500人的战斗小组,准备戴上蓝色头盔,飞往维持和平特派团。欧盟从来没有做过的事情就是齐心协力在国防上花钱。那可能会改变。法国国家军备局局长是近年来声名狼藉的大思想之一,它呼吁实施一项2亿英镑(2.4亿美元)的计划,其中欧盟国家将在国防方面开展基础研究和技术合作。该计划将由欧洲防卫局执行,这是欧盟官僚机构的分支。法国国防部长将于下个月正式将该计划提交欧洲国防部长会议。



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