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From rivalry to mergers


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Four centuries ago, within 15 months of each other, the English and the Dutch set up rival East India companies. In 1826 a British foreign minister sent his country's ambassador in The Hague a (coded) message: "In matters of commerce the fault of the Dutch is offering too little and asking too much." But business is business: why compete when you can combine? The two East India companies soon found it easier to trade in separate bits of Asia. A century ago, the countries' rival oil companies agreed, as their joint history now puts it, that they "would do better working together", and in 1907 created Royal Dutch/Shell. In the 1920s, Margarine Unie, a Dutch-led quasi-cartel, saw Lever Brothers extending from soap into food. In 1930 the pair became Unilever.
机译:四个世纪前,英国人和荷兰人在不到15个月的时间内就建立了竞争对手东印度公司。 1826年,英国外交大臣向海牙驻该国大使发送了一条(编码后的)信息:“在商业方面,荷兰人的过错是提供的东西太少,要求太多了。”但是企业就是企业:为什么可以合并时竞争?两家东印度公司很快发现在亚洲的不同地区进行贸易更容易。一个世纪前,这两个国家的竞争对手石油公司如现在的联合历史所言,同意“将更好地合作”,并于1907年创建了荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司。在1920年代,玛格琳·尼(Margarine Unie),荷兰人领导的准卡特尔,看到了勒沃兄弟(Lever Brothers)从肥皂变成食品。 1930年,两人成为联合利华。



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