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In a time-honoured academic ritual, on March 12th 330,00016-17-year-olds will sit their Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATS), just as their parents did before them. Over the year, 2.2m pupils will go through the ordeal. But this year the SATS will be a rather different animal. They will put less emphasis on abstract reasoning and more on what pupils have learned in the classroom. Gone will be the old analogies (rhinos are to watering holes what starlets are to spas) and in will come tests of reading comprehension and algebra. The new SATS will even include a compulsory essay. An examination that was originally intended to test raw ability is mutating into a test of academic achievement. The old SATS have always come in for passionate criticism. How can they claim to test raw ability when you can boost your scores by coaching, the critics asked? And how can they claim to be fair when poor people and minorities do worse than rich people and whites? But the death-knell of the old system sounded in 2001 when Richard Atkinson, then the president of the University of California, laid into the tests, not least because they encourage students to concentrate on prepping for tests rather than acquiring real knowledge.
机译:按照悠久的学术惯例,330,00016-17岁的孩子将参加他们的学业能力测验(SATS),就像父母在他们面前所做的那样。一年中,将有220万名学生经受考验。但是今年的SATS将会是完全不同的动物。他们将不再强调抽象推理,而更多地关注学生在课堂上学到的东西。旧的类比将消失(犀牛注水,就像小星对待水疗一样),阅读理解和代数的测验也将随之而来。新的SATS甚至将包括强制性论文。最初旨在测试原始能力的考试正在转变为对学术成就的测试。旧的SATS总是受到热烈的批评。评论家问,当您可以通过教练提高分数时,他们如何声称测试原始能力?当穷人和少数民族比富人和白人更糟糕时,他们怎么能声称自己是公平的?但是旧系统的丧钟敲响了警钟,那是在2001年,当时的加州大学校长理查德·阿特金森(Richard Atkinson)参加了考试,这不仅是因为它们鼓励学生专注于为考试做准备,而不是获得真正的知识。



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