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Face value: A Monster success


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The words "jobless recovery" irk Jeff Taylor. Scrunching himself into his chair, his long legs and enormous feet tucked up under him, he lists all the evidence that the American economy, at least, is at last creating jobs again. January and February were better months for the world's biggest online job-search site, Monster.com, which Mr Taylor launched ten years ago this April. Sales jobs, always in Monster's top five, both by postings of job-seekers' resumes and by prospective employers' searches, are now the top category, after picking up gradually over the past year along with American consumer confidence. Accounting and finance jobs are now the second category, thanks to stronger demand from companies in the wake of Enron, WorldCom and other corporate frauds. More tellingly, entry-level jobs began to pick up last autumn. And jobs in information technology were 16% higher in February than a year earlier.
机译:“失业恢复”一词激怒了杰夫·泰勒。他皱着眉头坐在椅子上,长长的腿和巨大的脚塞在他的下面,他列举了所有证据,证明至少美国经济终于在创造就业机会。对于全球最大的在线求职网站Monster.com来说,一月和二月是更好的月份。泰勒十年前于今年四月推出了该网站。在过去的一年中,随着美国消费者的信心逐步上升,无论是通过求职者的简历发布还是通过潜在的雇主搜索,销售工作一直排在Monster的前五名中,现在是头号类别。由于安然公司,世通公司和其他公司欺诈案带来的公司需求增加,会计和财务工作现在成为第二类。更具说服力的是,去年秋天开始从事入门级工作。 2月份,信息技术职位比去年同期增长了16%。



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