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Bagehot: In sickness and in health


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Poor Charles Kennedy. It's so unfair. The party you lead is really not doing badly. At the last election, it wins more seats than at any time since 1929. It's currently jogging along quite nicely in the opinion polls with ratings in the low 20s-about 50% better than at the same stage in the last parliament. But as far as the media are concerned, you might as well not exist. Until, that is, on budget day, you are smitten with a vicious tummy bug. Instantly, the rumour-mill starts churning. One theory is that you went missing because of a hangover. Another is that something more serious may be amiss. Suddenly, the speech you were going to make at your party's spring conference, the one that nobody beyond the true believers gathered in Southport is much interested in, has become a trial by ordeal. And sure enough, although you manage to soldier on through a perfectly decent speech, the pictures the newspapers splash next morning of you mopping a pallid, sweating cheek are the only talking point. And, to be honest, they are also the main reason why Bagehot too is writing about you.



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