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The rights and wrongs


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"I went out to Charing Cross to see Major-General Harrison hanged, drawn and quartered," Samuel Pepys casually noted in his diary on October 13th 1660, adding that "the general looked as cheerful as anv man could do in that condi- tion." The execution next week in Indiana of Timothy McVeigh by lethal in jection will be a less bloody, more private affair; it will be witnessed by "just" 30 people, with a further 250 relatives of his victims watching on closed-circuit television. But the event already has the grisly carnival atmosphere of a public execution. It harks back to a time when the taking of a criminal's life was a spectacle, an event children begged to go to, which diarists attended after a good lunch and where soldiers were needed to hold back the onlookers.
机译:塞缪尔·佩皮斯(Samuel Pepys)在1660年10月13日的日记中随随便便地指出:“我去查林十字(Charing Cross)时看到哈里森少将被绞死,被困在里面,并进驻了,”他补充说: 。”下周在印第安纳州提摩西·麦克维(Timothy McVeigh)的死刑处决将是一场鲜血淋淋的私人事件, “只有” 30人将目睹该事件,另外250名受害者的亲属在闭路电视上观看。但是该活动已经具有公众处决的残酷狂欢氛围。它可以追溯到一个令人难忘的时刻,一次要夺走罪犯的生命,一个孩子乞求去参加的活动,一个好吃的午饭后,对话家们参加了,需要士兵阻止围观者。



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