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Lexington: The politics of cloning


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When the history of the 21st century comes to be written, Sunday November 25th is likely to contribute at least a footnote, and possibly the start of a chapter. That was the day when a previously obscure Massachusetts company, Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), announced in an equally obscure online journal that it had cloned the first human embryo.rnWhether this is a scientific milestone remains doubtful (see page 76). The company was not trying to create a human being (reproductive cloning, in the jargon), just an embryo, from which it could derive stem cells (therapeutic cloning). Stem cells, which can transform themselves into any of the body's tissues, promise cures for degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's. But the company got nowhere near that aim. All the embryos died and it is unclear whether the company prompted the eggs to produce any new cells. No wonder the professor who chairs the ACT'S ethics board cautiously described the cells not as "embryos" at all but merely as "cleaving eggs". Nonetheless, for a few hours, the first making of a human life was stirring in a test tube, put there by genetic manipulation.
机译:当撰写21世纪的历史时,11月25日(星期日)可能至少会做一个脚注,也可能是一章的开始。那一天,以前默默无闻的马萨诸塞州公司Advanced Cell Technology(ACT)在同样默默无闻的在线期刊上宣布已经克隆了第一个人类胚胎。这是否是一个科学的里程碑仍然值得怀疑(请参阅第76页)。该公司并不是在试图创造一个人类(用术语来说是生殖克隆),而是一个可以从中获得干细胞的胚胎(治疗性克隆)。干细胞可以转化为身体的任何组织,有望治愈帕金森氏症等退化性疾病。但是公司没有实现这个目标。所有的胚胎都死亡了,目前尚不清楚该公司是否促使卵子产生任何新的细胞。难怪担任ACT伦理委员会主席的教授谨慎地将这些细胞描述为根本不是“胚胎”,而只是描述为“分裂卵”。然而,几个小时以来,人类的第一次造像是在试管中进行搅拌,并通过基因操作将其放置在试管中。



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