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Illegality in settlement heterotopias: a study of frontier governance in the Brazilian Amazon


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It is often argued that various forms of illegality persist in the Brazilian Amazon because of weak frontier governance. However, very little is understood about how this governance can be strengthened in the context of social and spatial change in a way that will counter illegality. Drawing on the concept of heterotopias, as discussed by Michel Foucault, and the life history of an illegal logger in an agrarian reform settlement project in the state of Para, this paper approaches frontier governance by conceptualising the 'settlement heterotopia' as a real, lived-in place in which the space that makes up various state and nonstate actors' sites of action interact and continually rearrange power relations. This rearrangement process may or may not work to legitimise illegality and, therefore, strengthening frontier governance involves a process by which collaborative power relations emerge and residents decide to work with the state instead of alongside illegality.
机译:人们经常争辩说,由于边境治理薄弱,巴西亚马逊地区仍然存在各种形式的非法行为。但是,对于如何在社会和空间变化的背景下以一种打击非法行为的方式来加强这种治理的了解很少。借鉴米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)讨论的异质性概念以及帕拉州农业改革安置项目中非法伐木者的生活史,本文通过将“结算异质性”概念化为真实,活泼的方法来进行边境治理。 -在其中构成各种国家和非国家行为者的行动场所的空间相互作用并不断重新安排权力关系的地方。这种重新安排的过程可能不会使非法合法化,因此,加强边境治理涉及一个过程,在这个过程中,出现了合作的权力关系,居民决定与国家合作而不是与非法一起。



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