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UK: Big drop in bottle to bottle recycling, says British Glass

机译:英国:British Glass说,瓶与瓶的回收大幅下降

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Changes in UK local authority practices in collecting glass - from bottle bank to general recycling bin - in the UK are leading to vastly reduced amounts of glass that can be recycled into new bottles. That is the message of new research published by industry association British Glass this week (16 June). Notably while in 1997 96 per cent of glass collected went into new bottles, ten years later only 48 per cent of glass is of the right quality. Local authorities like Mole Valley in Surrey say that offering householders a door-to-door service for glass, which goes into the same container as plastic, paper, metals even textiles, instead of the old, if tried and tested, bottle bank system will decrease the landfill rate. It will also mean, the authority's Jean Pearson said on Monday, that people "do not have to think".
机译:英国地方当局在收集玻璃方面的做法发生了变化(从瓶库到一般的回收箱),这导致可以大量再循环到新瓶中的玻璃量大大减少。这就是行业协会英国玻璃公司本周(6月16日)发表的最新研究的信息。值得注意的是,在1997年,收集到的玻璃中有96%装进了新瓶子,十年后,只有48%的玻璃质量合格。萨里郡的莫勒河谷等地方当局表示,为住户提供玻璃门到门服务,玻璃将与塑料,纸张,金属甚至纺织品放入同一容器中,而不是经过尝试和检验的旧瓶装系统。降低垃圾掩埋率。当局的让·皮尔森(Jean Pearson)周一表示,这也意味着人们“不必思考”。



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