
Fraternity's 500th


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The driving force behind the founding one of the world's most respected maritime safety organisations was the inexperience of unregulated pilots on the River Thames. A group of worried mariners applied to King Henry Ⅷ for the right to regulate pilotage on London's river and, on 20 May 1514, a royal charter was granted to the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the Most Glorious and Undivided Trinity and of Saint Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent. Better known as Trinity House, the organisation is still controlled by a master and council of 31 brethren and celebrates its 500th anniversary with an exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.
机译:建立世界上最受尊敬的海上安全组织之一的原动力是泰晤士河上缺乏不受管制的飞行员。一群忧心marine的水手向国王亨利·applied(HenryⅧ)申请了调节伦敦河引航权的权利,并于1514年5月20日将皇家宪章授予了最光荣的三位一体的同盟兄弟会或兄弟会的首席监狱长和助手和肯特郡Deptford Strond教区的Saint Clement。该组织以三位一体之家而闻名,该组织仍由31位弟兄组成的主人和理事会控制,并在格林威治国家海事博物馆举行的展览中庆祝其成立500周年。



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