首页> 外文期刊>Foresight >Futures of new post-truth: new research frontiers on disturbingly fascinating pathologies affecting information dissemination and knowledge production

Futures of new post-truth: new research frontiers on disturbingly fascinating pathologies affecting information dissemination and knowledge production


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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore in depth the anatomy of post-truth in the quest to set a new research agenda. The author interrogates knowledge production/dissemination and the political positions of those behind them. This study diagnoses and challenges existing claims of supremacy of certain hegemonic epistemological and ontological orthodoxies that have been weaponized. Design/methodology/approach - This study philosophically engages with different worlds of credible 'pluriversal' knowledge(s) and leads to the exposure of historically 'taken-for-granted' definitions of the nature and composition of acceptable truth and how it is deeply entrenched in interest group politics. Findings - Each generation in different contexts has had to battle with specific troubling forces of deception and organized hypocrisy. Here, both new social actors and incumbents influence the disgruntled, deceive the gullible or connect with the enlightened masses at the emotional level whilst strongly undermining the rules-of-logic and fact-based discourses using disruptive social media technologies. The author specifies how the five P's: political power, profits, populism, politics and the private visions of technologists and scientists will continue to play very influential roles in how knowledge production will affect future policies and global governance. Social implications - Based on historicized explanations, the author argues that deception and mass ignorance as weaponized features of global governance and its capitalist order are typical Machiavellian strategies for gaining control over knowledge production/information dissemination. Massive changes are not expected in the future unless society and academia introduce novel science, technology and political platforms for engaging society and policy-makers. Originality/value - The author provides ample historical illustrations to support the claims made in this study that public insights into the postulated structures of post-truth remain extremely superficial, making people insufficiently informed to engage in crucial discourses about knowledge production and dissemination that affect their futures. This study provides several ingredients for stimulating further debate.



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