首页> 外文期刊>Global public health >A case study of community-based distribution and use of Misoprostol and Chlorhexidine in Sokoto State, Nigeria

A case study of community-based distribution and use of Misoprostol and Chlorhexidine in Sokoto State, Nigeria


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The United States Agency for International Development/Targeted States High Impact Project supported Sokoto State, Nigeria government in the development of a community-based intervention aimed at preventing post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) and cord infection among women and children, respectively. This paper describes the innovative intervention within the Nigeria health delivery system. It then explains the case study approach to assessing this intervention and summarises findings. Ultimately, the intervention was received well in communities and both drugs were added to the procurement list of all health facilities providing maternity services in the State. Key factors leading to such success include early advocacy efforts at the state-level, broad stakeholder engagement in designing the distribution system, early community engagement about the value of the drugs and concerted efforts to monitor and ensure availability of the drugs. Implementation challenges occurred in some areas, including shortage of community-based health volunteers (CBHVs) and drug keepers, and socio-cultural barriers. To maximise and sustain the effectiveness of such interventions, state government needs to ensure constant drug supply and adequate human resources at the community level, enhance counselling and mobilisation efforts, establish effective quality improvement strategies and implement a strong M&E system.



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