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Bill 133 - Now What?


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Bill 133, Ontario's Environmental Enforcement Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005 received Royal Assent on June 13, 2005. It amends the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act, making major increases to the Ministry of Environment's (MOE's) enforcement powers. Some of the amendments are already in force; the rest will come into force later, on proclamation. Last fall, the bill met strenuous opposition. Some of the objections were described in my column in HazMat's February/March 2005 issue. It makes sense to have a civil penalty system, to use the penalties in an Environmental Damages Fund, and to require those handling hazardous substances to have spill control plans. But much of this could have been done without Bill 133, and the bill was so heavy-handed as to be counter-productive. Compliance will not improve if the regulated community feels that it is being punished unjustly, if due diligence gives no protection, and if conscientious people feel afraid to take leadership roles. The minister also damaged her credibility by saying the bill meant one thing, when the bill actually said another.
机译:安大略省2005年《环境执法法修正案》第133号法案于2005年6月13日获得皇家批准。该法案对《环境保护法》和《安大略省水资源法》进行了修正,从而大大增强了环境部(MOE)的执法权。其中一些修正案已经生效;其余的将在宣布之后生效。去年秋天,该法案遭到了强烈反对。在HazMat 2005年2月/ 3月的专栏中我描述了一些反对意见。建立民事处罚制度,使用环境损害赔偿基金中的罚款并要求处理危险物质的人员制定泄漏控制计划是很有意义的。但是,如果没有第133号法案,许多事情本来可以完成的,而且该法案过于严格,以至于适得其反。如果受监管的社区感到受到不公正的惩罚,尽职调查没有提供任何保护以及有责任心的人感到害怕担当领导角色,则合规性不会得到改善。部长还说法案是一回事,而实际上却是另一回事,这损害了她的信誉。



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