首页> 外文期刊>IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics >Semiglobal Sequence Alignment with Gaps Using GPU

Semiglobal Sequence Alignment with Gaps Using GPU


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In this paper, we consider the pair-wise semiglobal sequence alignment problem with gaps, which is motivated by the re-sequencing problem that requires to assemble short reads sequences into a genome sequence by referring to a reference sequence. The problem has been studied before for single gap and bounded number of gaps. For single gap, there is a GPU-based algorithm proposed (Barton et al., 2015). In our work, we propose a GPU-based algorithm for the bounded number of gaps case, called GPUGapsMis. We implement the algorithm and compare the performance with the CPU-based algorithm, called CPUGapsMis. The algorithm has two distinct stages: the alignment phase, and the backtrack phase. We investigate several different approaches, in order to determine the most favorable for this problem, by means of a Hybrid model or a wholly-GPU based model, as well as the alignment of single text sequences or multiple text sequences on the GPU at a time. We show that the alignment phase of the algorithm is a good candidate for parallelization, with peak speedup of 11 times. We show that although the backtracking phase is sequential, it is more beneficial to perform it on the GPU, as opposed to returning to the CPU and performing there. When performing both phases on the GPU, GPUGapsMis achieves a peak speedup of 10.4 times against CPUGapsMis. Our data parallel GPU algorithm achieves results which are an improvement on those of an existing GPU data parallel implementation (Ojiaku, 2014).



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