
Ka-band RF MEMS phase shifters

机译:Ka波段RF MEMS相移器

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As the need for low-loss phase shifters increases, so does the interest in radio frequency (RF) MEMS as a solution to provide them. In this paper, progress in building low loss Ka-band phase shifters using RF MEMS capacitive switches is demonstrated. Using a switched transmission line 4-bit resonant phase shifter, an average insertion loss of 2.25 dB was obtained with better than 15-dB return loss, a similar 3-bit phase shifter produced an average insertion loss of 1.7 dB with better than 13-dB return loss. Both devices had a phase error of less than 13/spl deg/ in the fundamental states. To our knowledge, these devices represent the lowest loss Ka-band phase shifters reported to date.
机译:随着对低损耗移相器的需求增加,对射频(RF)MEMS作为提供它们的解决方案的兴趣也在增加。在本文中,展示了使用RF MEMS电容开关构建低损耗Ka波段移相器的进展。使用开关传输线4位谐振移相器,平均插入损耗为2.25 dB,回波损耗优于15 dB,类似的3位移相器产生的平均插入损耗为1.7 dB,优于13 dB。 dB回波损耗。两种器件在基本状态下的相位误差均小于13 / spl deg /。据我们所知,这些器件是迄今为止报道的损耗最低的Ka波段移相器。



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