首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >Evaluation of an ultrasonic echo-tracking method for measurements of arterial wall movements in two dimensions

Evaluation of an ultrasonic echo-tracking method for measurements of arterial wall movements in two dimensions


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The longitudinal movement of blood vessel walls has so far gained little or no attention, as it has been presumed that these movements are of a negligible magnitude. However, modern high-resolution ultrasound scanners can demonstrate that the inner layers of the arterial wall exhibit considerable movements in the longitudinal direction. This paper evaluates a new, noninvasive, echo-tracking technique, which simultaneously can track both the radial and the longitudinal movements of the arterial wall with high resolution in vivo. Initially, the method is evaluated in vitro using a specially designed ultrasound phantom, which is attached to and moved by an X-Y system, the movement of which was compared with two high-resolution triangulation lasers. The results show an inaccuracy of 2.5% full scale deflection (fsd), reproducibility of 12 /spl mu/m and a resolution of 5 /spl mu/m, which should be more than sufficient for in vivo studies. The ability of the method is also demonstrated in a limited in vivo study in which a preselected part of the inner vessel wall of the right common carotid artery of a healthy volunteer is tracked in two dimensions over many cardiac cycles. The results show well reproducible x-y movement loops in which the recorded radial and longitudinal movements both are of the magnitude millimetre.
机译:迄今为止,血管壁的纵向运动很少或根本没有引起注意,因为已经假定这些运动的幅度可以忽略不计。但是,现代的高分辨率超声扫描仪可以证明,动脉壁的内层在纵向上显示出可观的运动。本文评估了一种新的,非侵入性的回声跟踪技术,该技术可同时在体内以高分辨率跟踪动脉壁的径向和纵向运动。最初,该方法是使用专门设计的超声体模在体外进行评估的,该体模连接到X-Y系统并由其移动,然后将其运动与两个高分辨率三角测量激光器进行比较。结果显示不准确度为2.5%满刻度偏差(fsd),重现性为12 / spl mu / m和分辨率为5 / spl mu / m,这对于体内研究而言应绰绰有余。该方法的能力在一项有限的体内研究中得到了证明,该研究在多个心动周期的二维方向上追踪了健康志愿者右颈总动脉内血管壁的预选部分。结果表明,可重复性很好的x-y运动环,其中记录的径向和纵向运动都为毫米级。



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