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Communications to engage light-speed leaders


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Purpose - This paper seeks to describe the workplace phenomenon of attention-challenged leaders rnand how managers and others in the organization can get an executive's attention in order to gain input,rndirection or collaboration on decisions.rnDesign/methodology/approach - The material draws on the author's work in coaching and counseling rnleaders and followers.rnFindings - The workplace is now filled with attention-challenged leaders. Decision makers thanks to the rncontinuous and infinite data flow that 24/7 technology provides, are over-extended. They are not able to rnfully engage with their teams and provide direction and guidance. And the staff who work with and for rnthese attention-challenged individuals struggle to engage their leaders. It is a challenge for them to rnobtain reliable information and move forward on projects or execute decisions in a productive and timely rnfashion.rnPractical implications - Exhorting the leaders to change their ways is a possibility, but 24/7-technology rnhas permanently changed communications. The opportunity lies in using time-sensitive methods to rnbridge an information gap. Middle managers are in an excellent position to restyle their communications rnand better engage those leaders who are in a state of partial attention. In this way, managers can get real rninput, decisions and direction.rnOriginality/value - The paper focuses on what the middle manager can do to solve this problem.



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