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Traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions protections: prospects in Cameroon


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This paper is located within global debates about intellectual property. International agencies, mindful that third world/developing world resources are being appropriated by global corporate bodies, seek to intervene to protect countries that are unable to fend off the often subtle alienation of their national and natural assets. In this context, the cultural and intellectual resources of countries, peoples, communities and other collectives have become the subject of policy regulation. This paper focuses on policies developed by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). WIPO attempts to protect Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCEs) (folklore) against misappropriation and misuse. In this paper, the question asked is whether it is possible or desirable to protect all types of TK and TCEs that are constituent elements of indigenous knowledge and uses the case of Cameroon to provide examples to assist with answering these questions. It is argued that in some cases, it may be both possible and desirable, but that in other cases, there are constraints, as knowledge is secret or sacred. When such knowledge is not in the public domain it cannot be protected. Seeking to protect these types of expression and knowledge might, indeed, endanger them by removing them from the very context which provides their status as indigenous knowledge.
机译:本文位于有关知识产权的全球辩论之内。国际机构意识到全球公司机构正在挪用第三世界/发展中世界的资源,因此试图进行干预以保护那些无法抵御本国和自然资产常常微妙的转移的国家。在这种情况下,国家,人民,社区和其他集体的文化和知识资源已成为政策管制的主题。本文重点介绍由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)制定的政策。 WIPO试图保护传统知识(TK)和传统文化表现形式(TCE)(民俗)免受盗用和滥用。在本文中,提出的问题是,是否有可能或希望保护构成土著知识组成部分的所有传统知识和传统文化表现形式,并以喀麦隆为例提供实例来帮助回答这些问题。有人认为,在某些情况下,这既可能,也可能是合乎需要的,但在另一些情况下,由于知识是秘密的或神圣的,因此存在限制。当此类知识不在公共领域时,就无法受到保护。寻求保护这些类型的表达和知识的确可能通过将它们从提供其作为土著知识地位的环境中删除来危害它们。



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