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What inhibits authors to self-archive in Open Access repositories?A Malaysian case


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This paper reports on a survey carried out on academics in five Malaysian research-intensive universities, investigating their readiness to self archive in Open Access institutional repositories. The study revolves around the following issues: (a) academics' awareness of self archiving in an institutional repository within their institution; (b) their perceptions about self archiving scientific information into institutional repositories; (c) their perceptions regarding obligations to self archive in institutional repositories; and (d) the possible reasons that inhibit them in contributing to institutional repositories. The answers were identified from 72 academics through a web-based survey. The study reveals that the majority of academics in this study have no or little knowledge of, or experience with, institutional repositories and are unfamiliar with self-archiving opportunities. However most of them endorse the principle of Open Access and are willing to contribute content to an institutional repository if an opportunity arises or if mandated by their funding institutions. Those who agree to self archiving see it to be beneficial in the author's life as it enhances visibility and recognition of the author's work, but the main problem encountered is the fact that researchers feel it is time consuming. The major barrier to self archiving is fear of plagiarism. In light of these results, there is a need to create more awareness and to educate authors on the importance of self archiving. Ensuring free electronic access to public-funded research lies with the funding institutions, especially universities, which should set up appropriate repository infrastructures, advocate the public good and ethical implications of open access and even mandate self-archiving of research they fund.
机译:本文报道了对五所马来西亚研究型大学的学者进行的调查,调查了他们是否愿意将自己归档到开放存取机构存储库中。该研究围绕以下问题展开:(a)学者对在其机构内的机构资料库中进行自我归档的意识; (b)他们对将科学信息自动存档到机构知识库中的看法; (c)他们对机构储存库中自我存档的义务的看法; (d)阻碍他们发展机构知识库的可能原因。答案是通过网络调查从72位学者中识别出来的。该研究表明,该研究中的大多数学者对机构知识库没有或仅有很少的知识或经验,也不熟悉自我存档的机会。但是,他们中的大多数人都支持开放访问的原则,并愿意在机会出现时或在其资助机构的授权下向机构知识库提供内容。那些同意自我存档的人认为它在作者的生活中是有益的,因为它可以提高作者的知名度和知名度,但是遇到的主要问题是研究人员觉得这很耗时。自我存档的主要障碍是对窃的恐惧。根据这些结果,有必要提高意识,并对作者进行自我存档的重要性进行教育。确保免费电子获取公共资助的研究的责任在于资助机构,特别是大学,这些机构应建立适当的存储库基础设施,倡导开放获取的公共利益和道德涵义,甚至要求对其资助的研究进行自我存档。



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