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Sustainable Collection Services Deselection for Libraries


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There are a lot of factors in an academic library's decision to reduce the size of its collection, according to Rick Lugg, president of Sustainable Collection Services, but primary among them is the need for space. "[T]he fact is that overall, about 40% of academic library books have never circulated, and they're occupying central campus space," Lugg says. Another large reason for collection withdrawal in academic libraries is redundancy, according to Lugg. Libraries may find that they have several copies of the same low-use book across different branches and could use the shelf space for other titles. Or sometimes the staff wants to get rid of some library shell space entirely. Lugg says that more and more, libraries are looking tc use the communal space for user-oriented purposes, such as collaborative study spaces or writing centers "that are not technically part of the library but might be aligned with the library in terms of services they're offering to students and faculty."
机译:可持续馆藏服务总裁里克·拉格(Rick Lugg)表示,高校图书馆决定缩减馆藏规模的因素很多,但其中最主要的是空间需求。拉格说:“事实是,总体而言,大约40%的学术图书馆书籍从未发行过,它们正在占用中央校园空间。”拉格说,高校图书馆撤回馆藏的另一个重要原因是冗余。图书馆可能会发现他们在不同的分支机构中拥有同一本低使用率书籍的多个副本,并且可以将书架空间用于其他标题。有时,工作人员想完全摆脱一些图书馆的外壳空间。拉格说,越来越多的图书馆希望将公共空间用于面向用户的目的,例如协作学习空间或写作中心“在技术上不属于图书馆,但在服务方面可能与图书馆保持一致正在为学生和教职员工提供服务。”



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