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Only three years ago, when liberal economic reform-ers held sway in Russia and Yukos Oil Co. was at the forefront of an ascendant private sector, Vnesh- torgbank seemed set to define the future of Russian banking. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corp., the World Bank's private sector affiliate, were negotiating with the government to buy a minority stake in the state-owned bank in preparation for a full-fledged privatization. Western capital and management expertise, so the plan went, would modernize the country's second-largest bank and help transform Russia's crisis-prone, state-dominated banking system into a trusted guardian of savings and an efficient provider of credit. Much has changed since then, of course. Reformers are on the run in the face of resurgent authoritarianism under President Vladimir Putin, the government has effectively renational-ized Yukos by stripping it of its main assets, and talk of banking reform has gone quiet. Yet Vneshtorgbank's star as a national banking model is shining brighter than ever.
机译:仅在三年前,当自由经济改革者在俄罗斯掌控权,尤科斯石油公司(Yukos Oil Co.)处于崛起的私营部门的最前沿时,Vneshtorgbank似乎决定了俄罗斯银行业的未来。欧洲复兴开发银行和世界银行的私营部门分支机构国际金融公司正在与政府进行谈判,以购买该国有银行的少数股权,为全面私有化做准备。该计划得以通过,西方资本和管理专业知识将使该国第二大银行现代化,并有助于将俄罗斯容易发生危机,国家控制的银行体系转变为值得信赖的储蓄监护人和有效的信贷提供者。从那以后,当然发生了很多变化。改革者在总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)领导下的复兴专制统治下处于逃亡状态,政府通过剥离尤科斯(Yukos)的主要资产有效地将其国有化,有关银行改革的讨论也悄无声息。然而,Vneshtorgbank作为全国银行业典范的明星比以往任何时候都更加耀眼。



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