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Mahindra and Airbus announce strategic 'Make in India' relationship


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Mahindra Group subsidiary, Mahindra Aerospace has been awarded a large aero-components production contract by Airbus Group company, Premium AEROTEC of Germany. The multi-year contract envisages the manufacture and supply by Mahindra of a variety of metallic components that will be fitted into several Airbus aircraft programs as part of assemblies produced by Premium AEROTEC. Mahindra Aerospace's deliverables under this contract will be in excess of a million parts per annum. The parts will be produced at the new Mahindra Aerostructures facility located at Narsapura, near Bengaluru, India. Deliveries to Premium AEROTEC's facilities in Germany are scheduled to commence this year. Announcing the contract award during the 2015 Paris Air Show at Le Bourget, senior representatives of the Airbus and Mahindra groups mentioned that this contract is aligned with the Indian Government's 'Make in India' initiative and validates the two Groups' commitment to accelerate India's participation in the global aerospace industry while simultaneously creating high-growth opportunities within India's burgeoning aerospace and defence eco-system.
机译:Mahindra集团的子公司Mahindra Aerospace已获得空中客车集团公司德国Premium AEROTEC授予的大型航空零部件生产合同。这份多年期合同设想Mahindra制造和供应各种金属部件,这些部件将作为Premium AEROTEC生产的组件的一部分安装到多个空中客车飞机计划中。 Mahindra Aerospace在该合同下的可交付成果每年将超过一百万个零件。这些零件将在位于印度班加罗尔附近纳尔萨普拉的新Mahindra Aerostructures工厂生产。预定于今年开始向Premium AEROTEC在德国的工厂供货。空中客车公司和Mahindra集团的高级代表在2015年巴黎布尔热(Le Bourget)巴黎航空展上宣布了该合同的授予时,提到该合同与印度政府的“印度制造”倡议相吻合,并印证了这两个集团在加速印度参与方面的承诺。全球航空航天业,同时在印度迅速发展的航空航天和国防生态系统中创造高增长机会。



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