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Zodiac Technology key to passenger safety


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Can you briefly profile your company's designs of high-technology equipment and systems for critical aircraft functions and in-flight and on-ground safety? EMASMAX is an FAA approved aviation safety system placed within the runway end safety area (RESA) and designed to stop an overrunning aircraft. In accordance with FAA policy EMAS is designed for a 20-year service life. It consists of a specially engineered cement material encased in a protective coating that will predictably crush under the weight of an aircraft, providing deceleration through the interaction of the landing gear with the crushed material. The properties of the material and the configuration of the system are engineered precisely to provide maximum deceleration while minimising the potential for aircraft damage and/or injury to passengers and crew.
机译:您能否简要介绍贵公司用于关键飞机功能以及飞行和地面安全的高科技设备和系统的设计? EMASMAX是经过FAA认证的航空安全系统,位于跑道末端安全区域(RESA)内,旨在阻止飞越的飞机。根据FAA政策,EMAS的使用寿命为20年。它由包裹在防护涂层中的特殊工程水泥材料组成,该材料可预见地在飞机的重量下压碎,通过起落架与压碎的材料的相互作用提供减速作用。材料的属性和系统的配置经过精确设计,可提供最大的减速度,同时将飞机损坏和/或对乘客和机组人员造成伤害的可能性降至最低。



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