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Intellectual Freedom Education in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Study


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The rapid development of information technology has dramatically changed the basic paradigm of access in libraries, as well as librarian's roles and responsibilities. In order to remain abreast with these changes, instruction on intellectual freedom in Library and Information Science education needs to be reexamined and revamped. There have been few studies which examined the state of intellectual freedom education in library science programs, and even fewer examined from an international or comparative approach. The present study is an examination of the state of intellectual freedom education in Japan. Interviews and a survey were applied to five Library and Information Science educators in Japan. The findings were analyzed in comparison with the results of Bruce Shuman's survey (1977). The University of Hawaii Library and Information Science curriculum was also used as a reference for comparison. Other recent smaller-scale survey studies are supplemented to illustrate American practice as well. Two findings of this study merit further investigation. First, the Japanese approach to and perspective on teaching intellectual freedom are more theoretical while the American counterpart attempts to be both theoretical and practical. The differences are attributed to their social cultural environment in libraries, higher education, and society at large. The study also found differences in how intellectual freedom education is perceived in relation to the other subjects in the curriculum. Some of the Japanese respondents in this study see it as a specific subject matter to be taught in designated courses. On the contrary, American subjects argued it should be taught throughout the curriculum.
机译:信息技术的飞速发展极大地改变了图书馆访问的基本范式,以及图书馆员的角色和职责。为了与这些变化保持同步,需要重新审查和修改关于图书馆和信息科学教育中的知识自由的指导。很少有研究审查图书馆学计划中的知识自由教育的状态,而很少采用国际或比较方法进行研究。本研究是对日本知识自由教育现状的考察。对日本的五名图书馆和信息科学教育者进行了访谈和调查。与布鲁斯·舒曼(Bruce Shuman)(1977)的调查结果相比较,对调查结果进行了分析。夏威夷大学图书馆和信息科学课程也被用作比较的参考。还补充了其他一些近期进行的小规模调查研究,以说明美国的做法。这项研究的两个发现值得进一步调查。首先,日本人对知识自由的教学方法和观点更具理论性,而美国同行则试图从理论上和实践上兼顾。差异归因于图书馆,高等教育和整个社会的社会文化环境。这项研究还发现,与课程中的其他科目相比,知识自由教育的认知方式存在差异。在这项研究中,一些日本受访者将其视为在指定课程中教授的特定主题。相反,美国的受试者认为应该在整个课程中对其进行教学。



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