首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing >Automated sleep-wake staging combining robust feature extraction, artificial neural network classification, and flexible decision rules

Automated sleep-wake staging combining robust feature extraction, artificial neural network classification, and flexible decision rules


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The classification of sleep-wake stages suffers from poor standardization in scoring criteria and heterogeneous conditioning of polysomnographic signals. To improve applicability of fully automated sleep staging, we have designed a formal classification framework to rigorously (1) select robust candidate features, (2) emulate artificial neural network classifiers, and (3) assign sleep-wake stages using flexible decision rules. An extensive database of 48 PSG records scored in 20 s epochs by two independent clinicians was used. A small subset of 2 s elementary epochs representative of each stages with unequivocal expert scores was selected to form a limited set of learning exemplars. From 16 statistical, spectral and non-linear candidate features extracted in 2 s epochs from EEG and EMG signals, a sequential forward search selected an optimal set of five features with a 22% error rate. Multiple layer perceptions were trained from this optimal feature set while classification accuracy was assessed using the unequivocal instance subset. A simple majority vote among 10 consecutive classifier outputs ensured a final scoring resolution comparable to that of the experts. Poor classification performance was obtained for movement time, wakefulness, and intermediate sleep stages with a 36±15% error rate (Cohen's kappa 0.48±0.18). In contrast, deep and paradoxical sleep was classified with an 82% accuracy not far from inter-expert expert agreement (83 ±3%). Significant improvements should be expected using a larger learning set compensating for a high inter-individual variability, and decision rules incorporating more domain-knowledge.
机译:睡眠-觉醒阶段的分类在评分标准和多导睡眠图信号的异质性条件方面标准化程度较差。为了提高全自动睡眠阶段的适用性,我们设计了一个正式的分类框架,以严格地(1)选择鲁棒的候选特征,(2)模拟人工神经网络分类器,以及(3)使用灵活的决策规则分配睡眠-觉醒阶段。使用了由两名独立临床医生在20秒内评分的48条PSG记录的广泛数据库。选择代表每个阶段的2 s基本纪元的一小部分,以明确的专家评分来形成一组有限的学习范例。在2 s个时期内从EEG和EMG信号中提取的16个统计,光谱和非线性候选特征中,顺序前向搜索选择了5个特征的最佳集合,错误率均为22%。从该最佳功能集训练了多层感知,同时使用明确的实例子集评估了分类准确性。在10个连续的分类器输出中进行简单的多数表决,可以确保最终的评分分辨率与专家的评分相当。在运动时间,清醒和中等睡眠阶段获得的分类性能较差,错误率达36±15%(科恩kappa为0.48±0.18)。相比之下,深度和自相矛盾的睡眠的分类准确率达到82%,与专家之间的专家同意相差不远(83±3%)。应当使用较大的学习集来补偿较高的个体间差异,并采用包含更多领域知识的决策规则,以实现显着的改进。



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