首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer >On temperature prediction at low Re turbulent flows using the Churchill turbulent heat flux correlation

On temperature prediction at low Re turbulent flows using the Churchill turbulent heat flux correlation


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The present work investigates the prediction of mean temperature profiles in turbulent channel flow using the fraction of the heat flux due to turbulence. According to this new model, suggested by Churchill and co-workers, fully developed flow and convection can be expressed as local fractions of the shear stress and the heat flux density due to turbulent fluctuations, respectively. The fully developed temperature profile can be predicted if the velocity field and the turbulent Prandtl number are known. Temperature profiles for Pr between 0.01 and 50,000 have been obtained theoretically and with simulations through the use of Lagrangian methods for both plane Poiseuille flow and plane Couette flow. The half channel height for all simulations was h = 150 in wall units. The theoretical predictions have been found to agree with the data quite well for a range of Pr, but there are deviations at very high Pr.
机译:本工作使用湍流引起的热通量的一部分,研究湍流通道中平均温度分布的预测。根据丘吉尔及其同事提出的这个新模型,充分发展的流动和对流可以分别表示为湍流波动引起的剪切应力和热通量密度的局部分数。如果已知速度场和湍流普朗特数,则可以预测出完全形成的温度曲线。理论上并通过使用拉格朗日方法对平面Poiseuille流动和Couette流进行了模拟,得出Pr的温度分布在0.01和50,000之间。所有模拟的半通道高度为h = 150(以墙为单位)。对于一定范围的Pr,已经发现理论预测与数据非常吻合,但是在Pr很高时会有偏差。



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