首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Theoretical Physics >The Archaic Universe: Big Bang, Cosmological Term and the Quantum Origin of Time in Projective Cosmology

The Archaic Universe: Big Bang, Cosmological Term and the Quantum Origin of Time in Projective Cosmology


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This article proposes some cosmological reflections at the qualitative and conjectural level, suggested by the Fantappié-Arcidiacono projective relativity theory. The difference will firstly be discussed between two types of singularity in this theory: geometric (de Sitter horizon) and physical (big bang, big crunch). The reasons for the existence of geometric singularities are deeply rooted in the principle of inertia and in the principle of relativity, while physical singularities are associated with the creation or destruction of matter. In this framework, quantum mechanics is introduced through a particular interpretation of Bohm’s holomovement. Finally, a possible mechanism is discussed for the genesis of the cosmological term. No form of inflation appears in the scenario described.
机译:本文在Fantappié-Arcidiacono投射相对论的基础上,提出了一些定性和猜想层面的宇宙学思考。首先将讨论该理论中两种奇异类型之间的差异:几何奇异性(de Sitter地平线)和物理奇异性(大爆炸,紧缩)。存在几何奇异性的原因深深扎根于惯性原理和相对性原理,而物理奇异性与物质的产生或破坏有关。在此框架中,通过对Bohm的全运动的特殊解释来引入量子力学。最后,讨论了宇宙学术语发生的可能机制。在描述的场景中没有出现通货膨胀的形式。



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