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Turkey seeks legal way to retry convicted officers


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The Turkish Justice Ministry is working on a legal formula to retry hundreds of retired and serving military officers convicted in 2013 on plotting to unseat the government. Bolstering the move for a retrial, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on 4 January he would support the officers being retried. The government's green light for the retrial comes amid a high-profile corruption and bribery scandal that has hit key allies to Erdogan, prompting speculation that the Turkish prime minister is seeking to reach out to the generals - whose political power he has previously sought to suppress. Hundreds of former soldiers, including former chief of general staffGeneral Ilker Basbug, as well as lawyers, politicians, and journalists are serving sentences of up to life imprisonment as a result of the Ergenekon and Balyoz (Sledgehammer) coup trials.
机译:土耳其司法部正在研究一种法律公式,以重审数百名因阴谋破坏政府就职而于2013年被定罪的已退休和在职军官。土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)支持重审此举,他在1月4日表示将支持被重审的军官。政府的重开绿灯之际,高调的腐败和贿赂丑闻打击了埃尔多安的主要盟友,促使人们猜测土耳其总理正在寻求与将军们接触-他先前曾试图压制将军的政治力量。由于Ergenekon和Balyoz(Sledgehammer)政变的审判,数百名前士兵,包括前总参谋长Ilker Basbug将军,以及律师,政治家和新闻记者正被判处无期徒刑。



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