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After the shock Implications of the Japanese nuclear crisis


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Unlike the two serious accidents that occurred at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the accident at Fukushima was caused by an extreme natural event beyond the plant's design basis. There will be questions as to whether that design basis was miscalculated and if so, why. If it is demonstrated that human factors did not significantly contribute to the accident, governments and industry may succeed in limiting the negative impact from the accident on nuclear programmes worldwide. The political fallout from the accident in Japan and other countries that heed public opinion will be magnified if it is revealed that actions by Japanese industry and authorities increased the risk of a catastrophic radiological accident at Fukushima. After Fukushima, most countries that already generate nuclear power will continue with their nuclear programmes. Their regulators will probably make adjustments in emergency preparedness and accident management to better protect against tsunamis, earthquakes and perhaps other external events, including terrorist attacks. Some older reactors will be shut down and some others may not be permitted to be relicensed for extended operation. A number of developing countries that had made plans to deploy power reactors before the accident will probably defer these ambitions. The measured response by nearly all governments to the accident so far might imply no major shifts in the global use of nuclear power, in light of the goals of climate change mitigation and meeting energy demand, which were not in sharp focus at the time of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. However, while investigations may find no major design flaw or human error, it will be harder to convince electorates than industry and government officials. With the images of Japan's nuclear disaster fresh in the memory, it may become politically more difficult for governments to convince their electorates that the benefits of nuclear power are worth the perceived risk.



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