
Conductance of Atom-Sized Zn Contacts


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We have produced atom-sized Zn contacts and measured their high-bias conductance at room temperature. Contrary to previous experiments at and below 4.2 K, no 0.8 G_0 single-atom peak is observed in our conductance histograms. This result suggests that Zn single-atom contacts are too unstable at room temperature to produce a well defined peak in conductance histograms. We have also investigated the break conductance of Zn nanocontacts and showed that ther current-induced break of such nanocontacts exhibits the same characteristics as those observed on nanocontacts of other metals. Assuming the Sharvin conductance for Zn nanocontacts, the critical current density j_c, at which Zn nanocontacts rupture with a maximum likelihood, is estimated to be j_c ~ 2.8 x 10~(10) A/cm~2. Comparing this j_c with those of other metals shows a linear correlation between j_c and the melting point of metals.
机译:我们生产了原子尺寸的Zn触点,并在室温下测量了它们的高偏置电导率。与之前在4.2 K及以下进行的实验相反,在我们的电导直方图中未观察到0.8 G_0单原子峰。该结果表明,Zn单原子接触在室温下非常不稳定,无法在电导直方图中产生定义明确的峰。我们还研究了Zn纳米接触的断裂电导,并表明电流诱导的这种纳米接触的断裂表现出与其他金属纳米接触所观察到的相同的特性。假设Zn纳米接触的Sharvin电导率,则Zn纳米接触最可能破裂的临界电流密度j_c估计为j_c〜2.8 x 10〜(10)A / cm〜2。将该j_c与其他金属的j_c进行比较,可以看出j_c与金属的熔点之间存在线性关系。



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