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Three decades of on-road mobile source emissions reductions in South Los Angeles


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In May 2018, the University of Denver repeated on-road optical remote sensing measurements at two locations in Lynwood, CA. Lynwood area vehicle tailpipe emissions were first surveyed in 1989 and 1991 because the area suffered from a large number of carbon monoxide (CO) air quality violations. These new measurements allow for the estimation of fuel-specific CO and total hydrocarbon (HC) emissions reductions, changes in the longevity of emission-control components, and the prevalence of high emitters in the current fleet. Since 1989 CO emissions decreased approximately factors of 10 (120 +/- 8 to 12.3 +/- 0.2 gCO/kg of fuel) and 20 (210 +/- 8 to 10.4 +/- 0.4 gCO/kg of fuel) at our I-710/Imperial Highway and Long Beach Blvd. sites, respectively. These reductions are also reflected in the local ambient air measurements. Tailpipe HC emissions have decreased by a factor of 25 (50 +/- 4 to 2.1 +/- 0.3 gHC/kg of fuel) since 1991 at the Long Beach Blvd. location. The decreases are so dramatic that the vast majority of vehicles now have HC measurements that are indistinguishable from zero. The decreases have increased the skewedness of the emissions distribution with the 99th percentile now responsible for more than 37% (CO) and 28% (HC) of the totals. Ammonia emissions collected in 2018 at both Lynwood locations peak with 20-year-old vehicles (1998 models), indicating long lifetimes for catalytic converters. In 1989 and 1991, the on-road Lynwood fleets had significantly higher emissions than fleets observed in other locations within the South Coast Air Basin. The 2018 fleets now have means and emissions by model year that are consistent with those observed at other sites in Los Angeles and the U.S. This indicates that modern vehicle combustion management and after-treatment systems are achieving their goals regardless of community income levels. Implications: Recent on-road vehicle emission measurements at two locations in the Lynwood, CA area, first visited in 1989, found significant fuel specific CO and HC emission reductions. CO emissions have decreased by a factor of 10 and 20 at each location and HC emissions have declined by a factor of 25. This has increased the skewedness in both species emissions distribution. The 2018 fleets have means and emissions by model year that are now consistent with those observed at other U.S. sites indicating that modern vehicle emissions control advancements are achieving their goals regardless of community income levels.
机译:2018年5月,丹佛大学在加利福尼亚州林伍德市的两个地点重复进行了道路光学遥感测量。 Lynwood地区的车辆排气管排放量于1989年和1991年首次进行了调查,因为该地区遭受了大量违反一氧化碳(CO)空气质量的行为。这些新的测量值可以估算出特定于燃料的CO和总碳氢化合物(HC)排放量的减少,排放控制组件寿命的变化以及当前船队中高排放者的普遍程度。自1989年以来,我们的二氧化碳排放量降低了大约10倍(120 +/- 8至12.3 +/- 0.2 gCO / kg燃料)和20倍(210 +/- 8至10.4 +/- 0.4 gCO / kg燃料)。 -710 /帝国公路和长滩大道。网站。这些减少也反映在本地环境空气测量中。自1991年以来,长滩大道的尾气管HC排放降低了25倍(50 +/- 4至2.1 +/- 0.3 gHC / kg燃料)。位置。下降幅度如此之大,以至于现在绝大多数车辆的HC测量值与零都无法区分。减少量增加了排放分布的偏斜度,目前占总排放量的37%(CO)和28%(HC)的99%。 Lynwood的两个地点在2018年收集的氨排放量都达到20年的历史悠久的车辆(1998年型号)的峰值,这表明催化转化器的使用寿命较长。在1989年和1991年,公路上的Lynwood机队的排放量显着高于在南海岸空气盆地内其他位置观察到的机队。现在,2018年的车队按车型年计算的均值和排放量与在洛杉矶和美国其他地点观察到的均值和排放量一致。这表明,无论社区收入水平如何,现代车辆燃烧管理和后处理系统都可以实现其目标。含义:1989年首次在加利福尼亚州Lynwood地区的两个地点进行的最新公路车辆排放测量发现,可显着降低特定燃料的CO和HC排放量。每个地点的CO排放量减少了10到20倍,HC排放量减少了25倍。这增加了两个物种排放分布的偏斜度。 2018年的车队按车型年划分的均值和排放量现在与美国其他站点观察到的均值和排放量一致,表明现代汽车排放控制技术的进步已实现其目标,而与社区收入水平无关。



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